Sailing is what we are about, with a keen fleet racing on a full schedule over the warmer season through to a fortnightly winter season, contested by the keenest and most consistent sailors.
The club owns several boats for the benefit of its members: a fleet of 9 Pacer dinghies, 4 Optimist dinghies, two racing open cockpit keelboats, an Etchells and a Soling. These are all available for hire for racing and also for sail training. See our events page to see details and to enrol.
Races are on Sundays, mainly in the afternoons, and a Tuesday twilight series starts on 1 December at 1800 for thirteen weeks weeks, leading up to our annual Regatta over the long weekend in March.
If you are just looking for the Sailing Calendar for the season,
click on the Calendar Icon Below

In addition to the sailing calendar, click here to access our Race Instructions and Safety Requirements
Lots of people just like to sail, and not necessarily race through the beautiful waterways here in south eastern Tasmania, and there is a wide variety of boats amongst our 500 members. We are blessed at Cygnet with the wonderful cruising grounds of south eastern Tasmania, especially the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Bruny Island and the Huon River.
Members are encouraged to join in the racing, either as crew on one of the many privately owned boats which compete regularly, or arranging to take out one of the Club keelboats.
Race fees are $130 per season (exclusive of our Regatta) or $10 per race. Hiring a boat is extra. Visitors are welcome and must obtain a temporary membership in order to be covered by Australian Sailing's personal accident insurance, as well as letting us know who is out there in case of emergency.
For more information, email